
Hello, I'm Jonathan Coulter.

I make cool stuff at Graydian.

Tumult’s Hype 3

Serenity Caldwell, writing for iMore:

I’ve had so much fun testing Hype Pro over the last few months: It’s an excellent upgrade for longtime Hype users, and I suspect it may draw in quite a few new pro users, as well.

I’ve been toying with the idea of adding subtle animations to new sites, but I’ve always found the CSS/Javascript required to be confusing and complicated. After reading this review, I downloaded the trial of Hype 3 in an attempt to give it a shot. So far, I’m loving it. Hype is one of those apps that only a Mac developer could make. It’s obvious that the people who made it are hardcore Mac users and designers. It’s an ecosystem that never seems to disappoint.

Animate to your heart’s desire with Hype 3 and Hype Pro »